Saturday, December 31, 2005

news to mom, known better to the masses as Rockin' Rita, has a bear collection. I've seen the stuffed animals around the house before, but never knew they were part of a collection. Rockin' says, "I really love bears. I like snowmen a lot too, but I just really love my bear collection".

Monday, November 21, 2005

Locked Door Metaphor?

Georgie W. Bush is a very clever buffoon. This weekend our president ended his trip to Asia in Beijing, China. Like a little shit at 2nd grade recess, Bush was playing dodgeball against the press and as he put it, "I tried to escape." Bush walked away from the podium heading toward two huge closed doors (man that guy has a great walk; I need to get a good walk). Pulls on one door - "Damn friction". Tries the other. Both doors were locked so he turns back toward the press, hands at his side, stiller than Ben Stiller, as if he were ready to salute his commander. Smiles and says, "I tried to escape. It didn't work." So he slept over. I think. This was just the mastermind at it again. I won't be the last to feed you with the closed door metaphor for no exit strategy for Iraq. Ha, ha, ha. However, I was the first that wrote it. And, by the way, the plagiaristic folks got it all wrong. Bush saying he was trying to escape was really him mocking his troops. The troops are trying to escape, but he won't let them. If your term is up, you're going back for double the time. If you're not there yet, saddle up part ner. It's go time. Huh? Exactly.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005



Can New Yorker Magazine say Plagiarism?:

Well I can't, but I can type it. Every issue of the New Yorker has a cartoon caption contest that they put on the last page of the magazine. In the latest issue of the New Yorker (Nov. 21, 2005) three captions were chosen by the magazine for readers to vote on. One caption seemed very familiar, maybe something John Kennedy would have written. The cartoon I'm talking about is up there. One of the three finalists (New Yorker claims Nancy Doig from Oakland) wrote: "That concludes tonight's performance of "Pimp My Ride of the Valkyries". Sounds like something John Kennedy would have written. He did! Now, the John Kennedy we are talking about remains with head intact. He's my father. He wrote the following caption: "We will conclude with a contemporary piece - 'Pimp Yo Ride' in A minor."
First the New Yorker denies me of an internship in the fall of 2004, and then has the balls to take Johnny K's idea for a cartoon. This is bogus man. That's why their so called quote gets pink font. I think this weekend I'll email the New Yorker for a real job.

ON THE RECORD: Could not care less about her irrelevant journalism about what cat is stuck in what tree this week; yet on the other hand, could not find a woman more sexier than Greta Van Susteren. And recently, she had cosmetic surgery on her eyes. As illustrated in the photo (left = sexy; right = sexier). Of course with a name like Greta, Halle Berry could be sexy.


Animal of the month: sources say Cosmo Kennedy is gonna win again! Why? Because she's coz.


"I'm not against bread," said John Anthony Kennedy - my dad - he's never been afraid to take stances on the most important topics of the day.



(Ryan Seacrest - left; Ellen - right; lesbian bliss?)

I've heard the debate; the right says, look at Ryan Seacrest, he's a lesbian, and look what happens when we give these people rights; the left says, look at Ellen, she's a lesbian, funny and an outstanding citzen - Seacrest vs. DeGeneres case of 2005.

4 mo info click link:




For claiming the U.S. as the greatest nation ever, but having

nothing to do with it?


(Check out Miss Asian Delight in the background. Good fo u Georgie Boy)

Bush sooths American souls who question the topics of the day: Iraq, Katrina, taxes, gay marriage, gas and oil prices; stating, "We're gathering information". Settle down America. You heard the man. And this man, he's got intelligence nobody else does. No, not the intelligence that informed him about WMDs in Iraq. Those intelligences don't count. Ignore that. But do not ignore his intelligence about more than one Internet. Yeah SNL and the Daily Show and other pompous fake news shows can joke about Mr. Presidente exclaiming that there're Internets. But they'll come around and realize Bush is right about multiple Internets, just like he was right about declaring victory in Iraq like 2 years ago. Soon, Mr. Stewart and company will be running to the other Internet like Howard Stern ran to sirius satellite radio. A story similar to his use of the word Earths. In a speech to his peeps he declared the speech being dedicated to his peeps from the Earths - two of them people. The one he belongs to, and the one all of us other monkeys belong to.


Key to not getting invected by Avion flu; stop fucking Birds?; others suggest we have illegal aliens taste our chickens; "They have already proven they will take any job, they will probably eat anything too," said Dick Sminberg from Earth.